A l i g n Structural Medicine & Movement
is an approach to pain management and movement re-education that includes soft tissue (myo-fascia) work, neuromuscular re-education, myo-fascial length testing, strength testing, and mobility work. Megan offers either Structural Medicine sessions or Movement Coaching depending on your individual needs.
Structural Medicine is an advanced form of bodywork that uses myofascial release, postural analysis, extensive evaluation tools, and movement re-education to restore proper alignment and function to a client’s body, relieving injuries, chronic pain, and movement dysfunctions. To become a Structural Medicine Practitioner she completed a four year program at the Institute of Structural Medicine.
Each Structural Medicine session will include an extensive evaluation including postural analysis, myofascial length testing (which tests the movement availability of the fascia in your muscles), muscle strength testing, and movement history to determine patterns that may be causing pain and/or compensations through the body.
After thorough analysis the practitioner and client decide on a treatment plan to address symptoms and concerns. This includes fascial release, pin and stretch techniques, and occasionally movement training.
Dialogue between you and Megan is also an important factor in Structural Medicine. During the session, discussion may reveal stuck energetic patterns that could be contributing to your physical well-being.
Personal training sessions, separate to Structural Medicine, are offered to those looking for exercise that integrates strength training, yoga, and mobility to achieve pain free movement in daily activities. The training also emphasizes exercising with structural integrity aka, moving in alignment!